Visual Math Fractions

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FRACTIONS VISUALLY™ is a VISUAL MATHS FRACTIONS resource For Visual Learner Folks™, Who Find Text-based Fractions No Fun.

That's children who think fractions are no fun and grown-ups who have never found the best visual resources to master basic maths fractions.
Ages 5-11, Grades Kindergarten-5th grader or Year group 1-6 in primary education (infants, elementary and junior schools).

ADDING FRACTIONS STEP-BY-STEP is for students and older learners struggling with adding fractions.
Ages 11-16, Grades 6th-10th grade or Year group 7-11 in secondary education (middle, senior and high schools).

Series 1:

Series 2:

Series 3:

Series 4:

Series X:

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